Products from The Children’s Project
Special offer for schools, nonprofits and childcare organizations. To order special low price individual copies, please call 818-708-1244, or contact us via email. These make great raffle drawing prizes and are good to have in the library at schools.
International Publications
Translated versions of the book have also been published in Israel, Mexico, Russia, Hungary, Austria, Catalonia, China and India. A Braille version in English is made available for FREE to any visually impaired person from the Braille Institute.
>Learn More

DVD 3 Volume Series: How To Raise Emotionally Healthy Children
Available in English and Spanish
Produced by InJoy Birth & Parenting Education
Volume 1: Babies, Volume 2: Toddlers, Volume 3: Preschoolers
This video series is intended for use in hospital or community parenting classes, family resource centers, government parenting programs (including those that conduct home visits), child abuse prevention programs, childcare organizations, preschools, and high school or college courses that teach students about parenting and/or children’s emotional health, or as part of a lending library. The target audience is parents and caretakers of children ages birth to five and students learning about parenting.
Three volumes plus free 13-page Facilitator’s Guide with Handouts
To preview the video series for FREE, call InJoy Birth and Parenting Education at (800) 326-2082, extension 2 or view excerpts here.
9-Minute DVD:
Intro to How To Raise Emotionally Healthy Children
A 9-minute talk by Dr. Gerald Newmark, author of How To Raise Emotionally Healthy Children on the five critical emotional needs. Excellent to show to parents and childcare providers as an introduction to the book. From a presentation made to parents and teachers at Salinas City Elementary School District, Salinas, CA. Available on one DVD in English and Spanish
$4.95 each, no minimum order. To order, please call 818-708-1244, or contact us via email.
For the Love of Our Children
Music by Peter Moses.
Heartfelt, inspiring songs for parents and teachers everywhere (and their kids) about fulfilling everyone’s need to feel respected, important, accepted, included and secure. Motivational pop-rock, folk and blues, it’s a musical tribute to the book How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children.
$12.00, CD or $9.99, download
Stress Relievers: Five Critical Emotional Needs Family
Set of five stress relievers.
Respected, Important, Accepted, Included, and Secure imprinted on each stress reliever. A great reminder to display on your desk, for parents to use at home, or to offer as a raffle drawing prize.
$10.00 each set, no minimum order. To order, please call 818-708-1244, or contact us via email.