English Book Cover

"This is a book that parents should have by their bedside...a book that child agency personnel and caregivers should read and recommend to their clients...and that teachers should apply in their classrooms."

— Roy W. Menninger, M.D. Menninger Foundation

How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children

Meeting the Five Critical Needs of Children...and Parents Too!

A group of people of multi-genrations and ethnicities

“By creating a positive atmosphere in which people interact with each other in ways that make everyone feel respected, important, accepted, included, and secure, we can become a powerful force for developing emotionally health and high-achieving children, families, and schools. And, who knows, if enough of us get involved we might just change the world.”          — Dr. Gerald Newmark, the Children’s Project


“...We pay a great deal of attention to our scholastic educations, which are formal and supervised, and we devote much less public thought to our emotional educations, which are unsupervised and haphazard. This is odd, since our emotional educations are much more important to our long-term happiness and the quality of our lives.”

—David Brooks, New York Times Columnist     Author,The Social Animal

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Developing Emotionally Healthy Children, Families, Schools and Communities

Babies, toddlers, children, teenagers, parents and grandparents all have the same emotional needs. Meeting these needs in childhood provides the foundation for success in school, work, relationships, marriage, and life in general. How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children, a parenting book by Gerald Newmark, PhD, has a compelling and provocative message about parent-child relations. It provides powerful and practical concepts and tools that enable parents, teachers, and childcare providers to interact with children and with each other in emotionally healthy ways. In the process, children learn to interact with each other in the same way.

The book is also a “wake-up call” to America that we are abandoning our children emotionally. Failure to support our children’s emotional health at home and in schools is jeopardizing their future and that of our nation. The Children’s Project, a nonprofit, grass roots organization is dedicated to providing a solution to this problem, and offers a way for families, schools, and even cities to become emotional-healthy-friendly environments. The book, and accompanying trainings and other resources, have attracted attention across diverse ethnic, religious, socio-economic, and age groups. It provides a universal language regarding emotional health that is easy for anyone to understand and use.

Visit our free resources page for tools that parents, teachers, and others who work with children can use in supporting children’s emotional health.

English and Spanish Books

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Available in English and Spanish.

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Translated versions of the book have also been published in Israel, Mexico, Russia, Hungary, Austria, Catalonia, China and India. A Braille version in English is made available for FREE to any visually impaired person from the Braille Institute.
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Our Projects

HispanicFamilyStrengthening Families

We help families develop mutual respect and cooperation, learn how to satisfy the emotional needs of all family members, and develop valuable skills in communication, problem solving, and decision making.
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boy_at_schoolStrengthening Schools

We envision schools where parents and teachers work individually and together to meet the emotional needs of children at home and at school — where adults interact with children, and one another, in emotionally healthy ways.
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Main_Street_SalinasStrengthening Cities

What is an emotionally-health-friendly city? A city whose citizens have adopted the five critical emotional needs as a unifying concept around which everyone can rally to create environments where adults interact with children in emotionally healthy ways.
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mom_and_babyBreastfeeding Support

Breastfeeding is the optimal way to satisfy an infant’s nutritional and emotional needs. The Children’s Project is pleased to offer a mother-to-mother breastfeeding support system.
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Some of Our Clients and Partners

Help Support Our Work

Mother and DaughterYour contribution will help us continue to increase breastfeeding with new moms, develop parent trainings and new courses taught at colleges, educate everyone about the importance of the five critical emotional needs and so much more. Together we can raise emotionally healthy children!

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What People Are Saying About Us

Your commitment to enhancing the health and well-being of children by supporting parents in meeting their emotional needs is commendable and deeply appreciated.
—Dr. David Satcher, 16th Surgeon General of the U.S., Director, Center of Excellence on Health Disparities and Satcher Health Leadership Institute
It’s a human guide that speaks to our human heart….I read those five needs over ten times and then again. These are not needs of boys and girls. They are critical needs of human beings.
—Lily Eskelsen Garcia, Vice President, National Education Association, from Lily's Blackboard Blog
There are many educational books and DVDs out there, but many are too hard for the parents to understand… I found the “How To Raise Emotionally Healthy Children” book and DVD to be just right for our parents to ensure successful outcomes in every avenue of their lives.
—Almeta Keys, Director, Edward C. Mazique Parent Child Center, Washington, DC and Board Member, National Head Start Association
In Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors, every day we hear parents say they want their children to have a better life. This book is a significant contribution to making that aspiration a reality for parents throughout the United States.
—Sandra Gutierrez, National Director, Abriendo Puertos/Opening Doors




