The Children’s Project: Our Progress
The sale of more than 605,000 books has been accomplished without any publicity—mainly through word-of-mouth. About 50% of the books have been purchased by schools (pre-school, K-12, and colleges) for free distribution to parents and/or teachers. One high school with 3,000 students bought 5,000 books and distributied the book to all parents, teachers, counselors, school employees and some third and fourth year students. Dr. Newmark has conducted seminars with these students on Parent/Child Relations. The students read the book, write book reports, discuss the material in class and are encouraged to discuss the topic with their parents.
The same activity has been conducted with university students who have been very positive about receiving this information. As with the high school students, they have felt that the information will be valuable to them when they get married and have their own children—also in present relations with their parents and significant others. Both groups advocate offering seminars in parent/child relations as part of the school curriculum for high school and college students.
The other 50% of the books have been distributed to childcare provider and child advocate institutions, peri- and pre-natal departments of hospitals, prevent child abuse organizations and community parenting education programs. These groups provide the books to parents and professionals working with parents. One perinatal institution purchased 60,000 books and is distributing them to 19 hospitals where they are given to parents of newborn infants and used in parenting classes.
The book has been published in Mexico, Russia, Austria, Israel, Hungary, India, China, Catalonia, and in Braille in the US.
Our newest product is a new video program released by InJoy Birth & Parenting Education.
How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children: A blueprint for better parenting is a three-volume DVD set on Babies, Toddlers and Preschoolers based on Dr. Gerald Newmark’s bestselling parenting book. The video program helps educators teach parents and caregivers how to meet the five critical emotional needs of young children: to feel respected, important, accepted, included, and secure. Interactive scenarios focus on common parenting issues surrounding infant, toddler, and preschool years, including crying, tantrums, and power struggles, all from the point of view that every parent-child interaction is an opportunity to connect and learn in an emotionally healthy way. This, in turn, leads to healthier and happier children, families, and societies.
This video series is intended for use in hospital or community parenting classes, family resource centers, government parenting programs (including those that conduct home visits), child abuse prevention programs, childcare organizations, preschools, and high school or college courses that teach students about parenting and/or children’s emotional health, or as part of a lending library. The target audience is parents and caretakers of children ages birth to five and students learning about parenting.
To preview the video series for FREE, call InJoy Birth and Parenting Education at (800) 326-2082, extension 2 or view excerpts here.